The emergence of the no-code revolution has created a wave of competition in the IT industry because the convenience and compactness of no-code have caused anxiety for traditional software development. It is easy to see that today’s customers always value speed and simplicity, especially because they can design their own software and think that they do not need to depend too much on the Developer’s team.

But is that true totally? In the last 5 years, the “no-code” industry has expanded remarkably. There are abundant apps that enable you to construct almost whatever you desire. Custom software development has existed and thrived for decades all over the world. Both seem to be quite equal in many ways. However, all we know now is not necessarily what is best and appropriate for your own firm in the long run. Let’s look at the major differences between these two forms of software development – and choose which technique is best for you.

‘No-code’ Option

From zero to hero, from a small viable idea to a cool software application. It sounds easy at first, but actually, it takes a lot of time and effort to form and put into use a complete application. Dynamic and fiercely competitive business requires entrepreneurs to stay informed and keep abreast of the latest industry trends. But sophisticated technology is currently one of the most important trends that companies must adapt and work with. In particular, owning a software app is really a deciding factor in customer acquisition and retention.

One such group of current tech tools that are quickly emerging are no-code application development platforms. These platforms are special variants of low-code systems that enable companies – especially non-tech ones, to easily create solutions with little coding requirements. No-code app constructors have continuously improved their solutions to enable customers to develop applications, software, or web portals without any coding. The software development process has been simplified by these platforms. Thus, they have been considered as a highly flexible approach to customized software development.

A streamlined, modern technology setup makes investing in intuitive apps, websites, and software solutions important for organizations. These technologies are likened to a virtual representation in the cyberspace of a company, thereby keeping up with market movements and increasing competition opportunities with competitors. In addition, companies are using them as a powerful assistant to improve their reach to consumers and attract more potential customers.

‘Custom Software Development’ Option

Although many people have probably heard about bespoke software development for a long time, this technique of software production still deserves to be mentioned because of its prominence in the IT sector throughout the years. If you want a high-productivity application that operates efficiently regardless of time or audience, has strong operability, meets a wide number of customer requirements, is error-free throughout the operation, and reduces the danger of information leakage… then, this is the technique for you.

The coding is done by expert developers in the construction. These programs are designed to produce acceptable items based on individual client demands in accordance with a given rule/system. Developers can modify and adapt solutions to shifting demands and trends easily.

However, by utilizing contemporary cloud technology you may obtain strong functionality while at the same time reducing costs. The custom method has an extended development cycle in comparison to low-code/no-code alternatives. Given the extra time, resources, and/or ability to handle a completely personalized solution, the process can be transformed in outstanding ways.

Specific Pros & Cons of Each Platform


Custom Software Development


  • Agility: easy to use, fast to market, excellent for quick prototyping
  • Expense: no human effort is needed and just process the payment upon what you use
  • Maintenance: easy to maintain with minimal technical knowledge
  • Release: simply start and run a procedure via a certain button, not a whole progress
  • Resourcefulness: develop numerous applications or prototypes effortlessly.


  • Principle: all actions are carried out in accordance with a logically organized procedure.
  • Sharp human perception: professionals with skills and perceptive abilities will be able to balance the elements in the customized application in a harmonic manner.
  • Ensure that all occurrences are within a safe range: Developers team anticipates any difficulties and is prepared to intervene if anything goes wrong.
  • Quality trumps quantity: a full and complete product is more valuable than numerous mass-produced, superficially designed items.
  • Agility: whichever platform you want, from the web to mobile to IoT to wearable devices…


  • Customization: live according to each vendor’s terms.
  • Lock-in vendor: once your solution has been created, you cannot quickly transfer to another vendor.
  • Scalability: when scaling your application, you can reach the ceiling.
  • Transparency: when you can’t see beyond the curtains, it might be challenging to solve problems.


  • Slower speed: longer time to develop specialized solutions
  • Price: Anything that is completely unique will require development hours. Highly recommend leveraging the cloud, since this method would certainly assist minimize costs
  • Human subjectivity: in the process of cooperation between two parties, arguments and disagreements will occur.

 A Lot of Calculation is Still Not As Good As The Right Investment!

Wish to save the budget? Wish to speed up the completion of software applications?… If it is already software exploited to reach, interact and serve customers, why don’t you complete it from the beginning to avoid problems or inconveniences later? Simply imagine a small error that occurs in the middle of your transaction, causing your connection to be interrupted and stopped. In your hand, there is nothing but no-code software, and of course it will cost money as well as lots of time editing and helplessness because there is no support from a complete team of experts.

Causing pressure on your business through unsustainable no-code apps is not worth it if your business already has a good reputation and a stable number of customers and strategic partners. A software app is a face, representing your entire business; with each design line and feature, it reflects the personality and quintessence that you have worked so hard to build over the years.

Get your perfect Software at Saigon Technology

Take an appropriate investment from the outset to prevent any issues and implications for your business and customer service in the future to eliminate unwanted circumstances. Worried about the budget? Want to work with a team of Asia’s leading IT professionals? Saigon Technology is here to support you!

Saigon Technology is delighted to include its name on the list of the 15 top software firms in Vietnam for many consecutive years and has trusted many US, Canadian, French, and Australian clients and many more, with many major projects for several diverse brands. It is possible to say, with the contributions of over 400 committed and competent developer professionals, that Saigon Technology today has a lot to achieve.

Saigon Technology is not coincidentally listed amongst the 15 biggest national enterprises for software outsourcing. Obviously, in many fascinating sectors, such as e-commerce, health, financial, and logistics, with the capacity to adapt to varied scales of projects. A range of programming linguistics is a fluent development team. For example, in the following years, the competitive price and quality service confirmed by the Saigon Technology team will certainly be a perfect name to support most of your ideas or projects, ASP.NET, AngularJS, NodeJS, React JS, iOS, and Android/ React Native!

Simply leave your brief information about the initial ideas of the project right here. Only in 2021 may we offer free consultation & quotes, as well as many discounts to come along!

Content manager
Thanh (Bruce) Pham
CEO of Saigon Technology
A Member of Forbes Technology Council

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