With the convenience of smartphones, more and more people use them today. For that reason, mobile testing becomes essential before the app is released, to make sure the functions work properly and the user's data is secured. Let's explore the basics of mobile testing in this article.
The article is part of a series on design patterns. It is a continuation of the design pattern series, with Factory being an extremely useful design pattern for creating objects.
Let is take a look into one of the most fundamental concepts of databases. This article will show you the main concepts of transaction and how you can manage transactions in NodeJS with Prisma.
Data consistency is a vital part of software systems. We know how the transaction mechanism in relational databases ensures ACID operations on the database.
As you may already know, Redux is a state container for Javascript apps. Have you used Redux? It can be verbose and hard to work with. Redux Toolkit solves this.
Blockchain provides secure and transparent information management. This post aims to provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts of core blockchain technology.
The article is part of a series on design patterns. This series starts with a familiar design pattern, the Singleton, and aims to increase your knowledge about it.
Design patterns solve common software development problems and are especially useful in React. This blog covers popular React design patterns and their impact on code.
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